Imagine a ladder with different steps. In a pickleball ladder league, players are climbers on that ladder. The steps represent their skill level in the game. When players join the league, they are initially placed on a step that matches their skill level. Think English Premier league… players move up when they play well, down when they play poorly or stay the same if they are evenly flighted.  DUPR ratings will be used to set your initial ladder placement. If you don’t have a DUPR rating at registration you will be placed at the bottom of the ladder.
Now the Fun Begins
Each Sunday the Club will generate 5 player matchups based on the current weeks ladder rankings. Each 5-person pairing will have one week to arrange a time to play a round robin with everyone playing with everyone as their partner. All games are to 15 straight. The total number of points available per player per week is 60 (4 games to 15). Players weekly winning % of total points earned will used to determine weekly results.

The top player in each 5-person ladder moves up a step and the bottom player drops down a step. The goal is to keep climbing the ladder week by week or getting to the top and playing well enough to stay there.

The length of each ladder league will vary, but 8 weeks are standard. At the end of 8 weeks there will be flight championships for each level.
The results of the weekly matches will be recorded by the ladder captain (named weekly) and submitted to the Club for processing. All ladder scores are due to the Club Saturday evening by 8:00.  The weekly results and the next week’s pairings will be broadcasted via our website, social media etc.
Pickleball ladder leagues are great because they give players a chance to play against other players of similar skill levels, but still challenge themselves to play well enough to move up the ladder.  It’s also a way to meet new people and play with different pairings each week.
Events, Events, Events
Don’t forget to check for any upcoming or ongoing leagues make sure to browse the events page!