What’s New
Latest News on OVPC & Fall Brawl League.
OVPC FallBall Results and Standings
Results from most recent matches and league standings.
Weekly Spotlight
Featured player, equipment, and Pickle-Bits

Sweet Pickles!!
(AP Wheeling, WV October 22, 2023) I’m sure you’ve all heard of Spy-Gate and Deflate-Gate of Tom Brady and Bill Belichick lore. Let me introduce you to Practice-Gate. The new courts have been installed and lines have been painted at the newly remodeled Total Athlete Indoor Training Facility just in time for kick-off of the inaugural Fall Brawl 8-team Pickleball League. Initially it was thought the timing would provide all players with a week to acclimate to the new courts and lighting. However, Liberty CFO, Nathan Peluchette informed league members that the paint would need several days to cure in order to ensure adhesion to the new surface and he was prohibiting play on the courts until at least the weekend.
In the “never before seen” footage above, Nathan is seen practicing on the new courts with his partner from the Blazing Paddles tourney, Jeremy “Frat Boy” McClelland. The other pickleballers in the photo have yet to be identified and are still under further investigation. The alleged incident does not seem to be in violation of any rules of the OVPC or Fall Brawl League rules at this point. However, Peluchette may not garner a ton of goodwill from the perception that he is gaining an unfair advantage on the rest of the league.
Peluchette has released a statement under advisement of counsel:
“It has come to my attention that my integrity is in question. I have been advised by my attorney not to do any interviews or discuss this matter in public. I will say this. I am very sorry to anyone whom I have offended. Please know that the accusations against me are completely unfounded. I take my status as a role model to young people very seriously and would never encourage any of you to gain unfair advantages over your competition. My intent was to make TA better for everyone and I believe we have accomplished this. Yes, it’s true. I did not want a ton of play on the courts to ensure the lines would adhere to the new surface. And yes, it’s me in the photo playing on said courts. But that is just a photo. One moment in time. I just wanted to see if the yellow balls were going to be visible against the current background. My intent was pure. I am looking out for the safety of some of our older players. I don’t want to mention any names but just let me say that En Fuego will be playing 7 matches here this season. Player safety is of utmost importance to the entire OVPC. I am certain that my integrity will be cleared, and nothing will come of this incident once the investigation has been completed. I would love to answer all of your individual questions but have been advised to direct all further inquiries to my attorney, Shayne Wilson.”
We also caught up with Jeremy “Frat Boy” McClelland. When asked about his involvement in the scandal he had this to say, “My time is very limited, and I need to play. Any chance I get, I will unapologetically play without concern for other’s feelings. When my captain asked me to play, I agreed. That’s all I know. I don’t read the emails; I ignore the texts. I didn’t know that everyone else was prohibited from playing. The blame here lies with my captain.” When Frat Boy was informed that he was actually on Alex’s team, he followed with, “Look, don’t take this the wrong way. But they all look the same to me! I mean how many are there…. A hundred??”
The investigation is ongoing, and we will bring you details as they develop. What we do know is this…. Fall Brawl is set to kick off in less than a week and we are super excited about how things are shaping up and the enhancements made to the Training Center in advance of League Play.
Upcoming Club Events
Starting Tuesday 11/07/23 indoor DUPR-ranked sessions will begin again at Total Athlete alongside new lunchtime Open Play sessions. These sessions are currently scheduled for:
Open Play
Mon-Fri: noon – 2pm
Tuesday: 4pm – 7pm
Friday: 3pm – 6pm
Sunday: noon – 3pm
Court reservations are also now open for the newly remodeled Total Athlete courts. All reservations and events sign-ups are handled from within the Court Reserve app.

OVPC 2023 FallBall Standings |
Team | Points | Record | % Sets Won | % Points Won |
Samurai Slammers | 0 | 0-0 | 0 | 0 |
Big Al's Aces | 0 | 0-0 | 0 | 0 |
The Kitchen Crew | 0 | 0-0 | 0 | 0 |
The Picklebacks | 0 | 0-0 | 0 | 0 |
En Fuego | 0 | 0-0 | 0 | 0 |
Nathan's HotDogs | 0 | 0-0 | 0 | 0 |
Gootergates | 0 | 0-0 | 0 | 0 |
Air Jordan | 0 | 0-0 | 0 | 0 |
Results and Standings
This is the section of the weekly Newsletter where you will find the official standings and match results from the previous week. You can also find commentary on the week’s featured matchup here.
The Standings will determine our four Playoff contenders. The first determinate will be team points accumulated throughout the season. The first tie-break will be overall record, then percentage of sets won, followed by percentage of points won.
Teams will accumulate points by winning ”Lines” within their weekly match-up. Line 1 is worth 4 points, Line 2 is worth 3 points and the Dreambreaker is worth 5 points.
The Dreambreaker will work as follows. Each Captain will determine who is playing with who and which pair will start the Dreambreaker. After exchanging line-ups, the Dreambreaker will start. The first pairings will play until one team reaches 5 points. Both teams will then switch to the second pairings until one team reaches 10 points. Play will continue switching each time the “leading team” reaches the next multiple of 5 straight to 30 and worth 5 team points. Strategy!!! We are very excited for a fun, exciting and entertaining first year. Let the games begin!!

Weekly Spotlight
Dr. Chris Zambito, Wheeling
We caught up with Wheeling’s Sexiest Dentist, Chris Zambito for this week’s spotlighted athlete:
You made quite the splash during the Summer Ladder League. To what do you attribute what was perceived as over-achievement?
Squats!!! The secret to Pickle is not the 3rd shot drop or the Dink.. It’s definitely Quads!! I knew that 12 variations of squats 4 times a week would eventually pay off for me. I just didn’t know it would be for Pickleball.
You seem to get more results with less talent. How do you keep defying the odds?
Never give up on a Ball!!!! It’s not just something I say. I live it. You can’t teach effort! It’s something you have, or you don’t. It was ingrained in me by my babysitter as a child and has stuck with me ever since.
Greatest movie you’ve ever seen?
I will watch 50 First Dates over and over again!! Ever since Poltergeist, I have been a sucker for Barrymore. Sandler is at his comedic best and Schneider never disappoints!!
Favorite Halloween Candy?
My Dad is also a dentist. We weren’t allowed to eat regular candy. I guess I’d have to say Amway Surgar-Free Gum….. Yummy!!!
Tell us about your experience at the Draft. Are you happy with how it turned out?
I really feel like it could NOT have gone better. The Italian Sliders were right up my alley. I’m Italian you know?
Actually, we meant are you happy with the selections you made?
Of course!! The Slammers are green for sure. But the upside is there. I wanted players that can be molded and would peak by tournament time. I was getting nervous in the second round. I was afraid I was going to be forced to select Ragu, but Shayne saved me, and I could go with players that were actually on my draft board. I’m super happy with my team. Never give up on Ball!!!!!