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OVPC FallBall Results and Standings
Results from most recent matches and league standings.
Weekly Spotlight
Featured player, equipment, and Pickle-Bits

Sweet Pickles!!
(AP Triadelphia, WV November 6, 2023) Months of preparation in anticipation paid off immensely as the inaugural Fall Brawl Pickleball League kicked off in front of a packed house Monday Night at the Total Athlete Indoor Training Facility. The action officially kicked off at 5:45 pm with a matchup pitting the Samurai Slammers hosting Big Al’s Aces.
Big Al’s looked to be in control early as the duo of Jeremy McClelland and Big Al himself were taking care of a game against Chris Zambito and partner Jordan Laird. Z and Laird employed an impressive defensive approach but the offense of Blazing Paddles Champion McClelland and the “Lengthy” Peluchette was just too much in the end as the pair swept the opening match for a crucial 4 team points.
However, just beside them, on Court 2, “The First Lady of Pickleball” Sherri Polen and her partner, draft steal, Mike McNeil were doing their part to keep the Slammers in contention. The pair overpowered their opponents in straight sets to tighten the match heading into the first ever deciding DreamBreaker. Both teams huddled and talked strategy before deciding their line-ups for the all-important finale. In the end, The Slammers seemed to have employed the stronger tactics as they easily cruised to a lopsided 30-13 verdict in the decider.
Zambito was overcome with pride at the performance of his team on opening night. “I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. You can’t teach effort! Go back and look at the video. The team with most floor burns definitely came out on top tonight!” Big Al was not as happy with the results from Monday, “I really f***ed up. I didn’t put enough thought into that DreamMaker or whatever you’re calling it!”
The night’s other matchup saw The Kitchen Crew dismantle the Picklebacks to take a commanding lead in the team standings after night 1. The Crew swept all three matches while only dropping one set throughout the matchup. Team Captain, Will Voegelin, paired with Rashad Davison to just edge the PickleBack pair of Brett Andrews and Tyler McCullough in a 3-set thriller that saw the teams split two sets before heading to third and deciding set. Willy and Shad held on for victory at Line 1 earning the 4 points. Mark Lawson and LeeBoy Peluchette earned 3 points at Line 2 for the Picklebacks with a straight victory over Jim Barton and Mike Ferns Jr of the Backs. The Crew kept the momentum rolling in the DreamBreaker pulling out a 30-21 outcome to complete the sweep.
Voegelin could not hold back when asked about his team’s performance, “We proved everybody wrong!! We are here to stay. Bring on anybody, anywhere. It doesn’t matter. Pre-season third to last?? Now what??!!” Ummm…. Willy, those rankings were alphabetical on Captain’s last names. “Oh, sorry!! Hats off to all competitors. Everyone played their guts out tonight. See ya. Gotta pick up the girls at 9!” We also tried to speak with Shayne Wilson or The Big Ragu of the Picklebacks neither were in attendance for their team’s first match. “That’s a bold strategy, Cotton!”
Fans not in attendance (which wasn’t many – TA was packed!) were able to view the opening festivities via Facebook Live thanks to the efforts of production manager, Joel Peluchette. “We were excited to be able to bring the live action to all of our fans. Everything went off without a hitch and I enjoyed it so much that I might even start playing. I still don’t understand the name, but whatever!”

OVPC 2023 FallBall Standings |
Team | Points | Record | % Sets Won | % Points Won |
Nathan's HotDogs | 12 | 1-0 | 1.00 | 0.66 |
The Kitchen Crew | 12 | 1-0 | 0.83 | 0.61 |
Air Jordan | 9 | 1-0 | 0.60 | 0.53 |
Samurai Slammers | 8 | 1-0 | 0.60 | 0.58 |
Big Al's Aces | 4 | 0-1 | 0.40 | 0.42 |
Gootergates | 3 | 0-1 | 0.40 | 0.47 |
The Picklebacks | 0 | 0-1 | 0.33 | 0.39 |
En Fuego | 0 | 0-1 | 0.00 | 0.34 |
Week 1 Results
Samurai Slammers 8
Big Al’s Aces 4
The Kitchen Crew 12
PickleBacks 0
Nathan’s HotDogs 12
En Fuego 0
Air Jordan 9
Gootergates 3
Club Sessions
Lunch Sweat
Mon-Fri 12-2PM
DUPR Sessions
Tuesday 4-7PM
Friday 3-6PM
League Notes
Please remember that season passes are now available to all club members!! Also, it is important for all members to get in the habit of using Court Reserve (web browser or app) to reserve court times and register for Club Sessions.
Very Important: We have gone through 2 dozen Onix indoor balls after one week of league play. They are breaking at an alarming rate. It has come to our attention that there is no need to use an indoor ball if we are not playing on a finished wood floor. For that reason, and to ensure consistency, the competition committee has elected to order and switch all league matches to the Franklin X40 outdoor ball that has proven to hold up on the surface at the Total Athlete Indoor Training Facility. Thanks for your understanding.

Weekly Spotlight
James Carson, Wheeling
We caught up with one of the most feared players on the OVPC circuit, James Carson, for this week’s highlighted athlete:
James, what makes you ‘feared” amongst your colleagues?
Call me Mr. Carson.
Mr. Carson, what makes you feared amongst your colleagues?
I don’t like to think of myself as feared. I would call it RESPECTED. There’s a difference.
Would you like to write the questions and then we can start over and I’ll as what you write?
No, no. That’s quite all right. I’m not correcting you. I’m just………….. Dammit!! I was correcting you, wasn’t I?
Is that another question? Anyway, I hear people calling you “The Mob Boss”. Is that a moniker you like?
I’ll be honest. At first, I wasn’t thrilled with it. But then I saw the fear in my opponents’ eyes when they heard people calling me that. Now I embrace it for sure. It gives me another edge. I guess that answered your first question.
Yes, it does. Now you’re getting it! You’ve been called a “Banger” as well. Does that bother you?
Look, I’m an old man compared to most of these kids. Being called a “Banger” at my age is quite the compliment. I’ll take it!
Are you in favor of the Deer Cull in Oglebay Park this week?
That’s an odd question. I feel like rattling some horns together or blowing a grunt to pull in some deer is all in the spirit of hunting. So, I’d have to say, Yes, I am. (thought bubble: I said “cull” not “call” but let’s move on.)
How is team chemistry with En Fuego?
I feel like we have gelled more than other teams. We have had several practices, and all the guys get along great. We will be dressed for success and expect nothing less. (thought bubble: Thanks Dr. Suess) We are about to unleash JC75 on the rest of the league. We have played together more than the rest as a whole and I think it will pay big dividends in the end. BTW, contrary to popular belief, that was not me “stealing signals” on opening night.
You’ve been seen wiping your paddle with what has been described as a “Pine Tar” rag. Are you nervous that someone may turn you in for cheating?
Cheating!!?? Are you serious? I’ve seen nothing in the rules that forbids it. Until I have been told otherwise, I will continue using my “rag”. Listen, this interview is over! Don’t disrespect the “Mob Boss”!!