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Latest News on OVPC & Fall Brawl League.
OVPC FallBall Results and Standings
Results from most recent matches and league standings.
Weekly Spotlight
Featured player, equipment, and Pickle-Bits
This Week’s Featured Matchup
Monday, November 13th at 5 PM the #1 ranked HotDogs will welcome Air Jordan (currently sitting in 3rd place) to the Total Athlete Indoor Training Facility. The two teams will battle for supremacy to stay at or near the top of the standings. The Hotdogs easily disposed of an overconfident En Fuego squad last Thursday while Air Jordan took care of business vs Gootergates in the nightcap by hanging on in the Breaker.
Nathan Peluchette and Jordan Sorge are both looking forward to Monday night’s action and the chance to put a stranglehold on the top spot. The action can be viewed in person at TA or can be viewed via Facebook live on the Ohio Valley Pickleball Club page.

It ain’t all it’s cracked up to be!
(AP Triadelphia, WV) The switch from outdoor season to indoor season has not been without change. Some good and some bad. Players need to adjust to a different surface, artificial lighting, less courts and, most importantly, the indoor balls. Much thought was put into the switch and after a great deal of research and gathering opinions, it was decided that the “League” would officially be using the Onyx Indoor ball. Two Dozen were purchased by the club to accommodate the long season. After one week of play, there are approximately ZERO balls unbroken! We don’t know for sure if it is the surface or the intense play of league members thus far. What we do know is that two dozen balls a week is just not sustainable.
For that reason, an emergency meeting of the competition committee was held Thursday evening, and it was decided that the “League” will officially be switching to the more durable outdoor Franklin X40 ball for all sanctioned league matches and should be on hand for the next scheduled match on Monday November 13th. We will also be purchasing more Onyx Indoor balls to have on hand for club play and rec play. The indoor ball is necessary for play on basketball courts. The surface at TA is not wood. The indoor balls are more pliable, weigh less and travel with less speed than the outdoor balls. You may want to use these during rec or club play to enhance your often overlooked soft game. You can easily tell the difference as the indoor ball has 26 larger holes and the outdoor ball has 40 smaller holes.

Franklin X40
Outdoor Ball
40 Holes
X engraved on ball

Onix Pure
Orange Indoor
26 holes
Onix Logo
League Notes: Please remember that season passes are now available to all club members!! Also, it is important for all members to get in the habit of using Court Reserve (web browser or app) to reserve court times and register for Club Sessions.

OVPC 2023 FallBall Standings |
Team | Points | Record | % Sets Won | % Points Won |
Nathan's HotDogs | 12 | 1-0 | 1.00 | 0.66 |
The Kitchen Crew | 12 | 1-0 | 0.83 | 0.61 |
Air Jordan | 9 | 1-0 | 0.60 | 0.53 |
Samurai Slammers | 8 | 1-0 | 0.60 | 0.58 |
Big Al's Aces | 4 | 0-1 | 0.40 | 0.42 |
Gootergates | 3 | 0-1 | 0.40 | 0.47 |
The Picklebacks | 0 | 0-1 | 0.33 | 0.39 |
En Fuego | 0 | 0-1 | 0.00 | 0.34 |
Week 1 Results
Samurai Slammers 8
Big Al’s Aces 4
The Kitchen Crew 12
PickleBacks 0
Nathan’s HotDogs 12
En Fuego 0
Air Jordan 9
Gootergates 3
Club Sessions
Lunch Sweat
Mon-Fri 12-2PM
DUPR Sessions
Tuesday 4-7PM
Friday 3-6PM
League Notes
Please remember that season passes are now available to all club members!! Also, it is important for all members to get in the habit of using Court Reserve (web browser or app) to reserve court times and register for Club Sessions.
The latter two games of week 1 were played on Thursday November 11th. In the first matchup of the evening Nathan’s HotDogs were able to hold off En Fuego for a 12-0 sweep. En Fuego certainly looked the part with team uniforms and chiseled figures but looks do NOT matter when you step between the lines. The neutralized power game of the “Mob Boss” and the soft game of the Commish did not gel well together at Line 1. The duo of Nathan Peluchette and Tom Abraham pulled off a straight set victory securing 4 points. At line 2 Sean Coughlan paired with a virtual unknown, Lorenzo “Diego Maradona” Donzella to cruise to another 3 points over a game but outmanned pair of ballers from En Fuego, Brian Sorge and Seth Abraham. It was much the same in the DreamBreaker as En Fuego fizzled and The HotDogs rose to the occasion and added another 5 points for the sweep and a slim margin to sit atop the league standings.
In the nightcap, it was a back-and-forth affair. Gootergates and Air Jordan split lines 1 and 2. With captain Nick on hand with Baby Rocco, Line 2 saw Dr. Donzella and the “BearCat” take down the duo of Diana Mey and Gregg “GR8CURVES” Boury in 2 sets. The “BearCat Slam” was on full display as evidenced by Diana’s two new tattoos and the Good Doc was steadier than anticipated. At Line 1 Sorge and late addition Johnny “Crazy Legs” Belancic gave Air Jordan a 1-point lead headed to the DreamBreaker. They were able to beat up on Mckenzie “The Windmill” Peluchette and partner Lee Favede in straights. The Breaker saw some interesting strategies but, in the end, Air Jordan outlasted the Gates to secure the 5 points and team victory. Captain Jordan Sorge breathed a sigh of relief after making what he thought was a crucial mistake in the Dreambreaker strategy. I guess 4 weeks wasn’t enough time to prepare properly. Needless to say, the gaffe did not cost him in the long run.
Not sure if you are using the correct paddle for your game but don’t want to spend a bunch of money to find out? Try one of our Demo Paddles to see which one fits. Contact Nathan Peluchette to demo at

Weekly Spotlight
Joel Peluchette, Wheeling
We caught up with Joel Peluchette of Liberty Distributors to ask some burning questions about DUPR. Joel is” the man behind the curtain” at OVPC and is responsible for making your experience with the technology associated with the OVPC a pleasant one.
Joel, we gotta know. Ever since Blazing Paddles everyone has been asking. What exactly is DUPR?
DUPR Stands for Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating. It is the most accurate and ONLY global rating system for Pickle. All players regardless of age, gender or skill level are rated between 2.0 and 8.0.
Wow! Awesome! And who can have a DUPR rating? Do you have to play a bunch of matches?
Not at all. It only takes one match to get a rating. Of course, the more matches you play, the more accurate your rating will be. Anyone can have a DUPR rating. If you’ve ever played in a tournament, chances are you already have a DUPR rating and can claim your account at or by getting the app on your phone.
Nice beard! Is it real? Can I touch it?
Thank you. I’ve been working very hard on it. Chics dig it but the maintenance can be a real bear sometimes. Of course, it’s real!! I’d prefer you didn’t touch it. I thought we were talking about DUPR here!!
Right… I got sidetracked. What will OVPC use DUPR for?
It’s important because your rating will be used for entry into club events like tournaments, clinics, and leagues.
Does your rating just go by wins or losses? Or do points count as well?
Every point matters! Fight for every point in every game. Your DUPR rating can actually go up after a loss if you score enough points against higher rated opponents. It’s all part of the algorithm.
Enough of the NERD speak. You’re losing me here. How can I get DUPR on my phone?
Same way you get Candy Crush! Just search “DUPR” in the Apple Store or Google Play store and download. From there, sign up for an account (if you don’t already have one to claim). Then tap the “Clubs” icon on the top bar. Search for Ohio Valley Pickleball Club, Select and join club. You’re done!! I’ve tried to make this so simple that even Tom Abraham could use it. Enjoy!!
Please pay attention to upcoming announcements. Jeremy will be conducting some clinics at Total Athlete with limited spots available. We want to fill these clinics to grow the sport and make it worth his time. He will also be available for private lessons by request. Details to come.
Box Scores
Monday 11/6 5PM Samurai Slammers def Big Al’s Aces 8-4
Line 1: A. Peluchette/McClelland def Zambito/Laird 15-2, 15-7 (Big Al’s)
Line 2: Pollen/McNeil def Gattesco/P. Peluchette 15-3, 15-4 (Slammers)
DB: Slammers 5-0, 10-4, 15-6, 20-10, 25-10, 30-13
Monday 11/6 7PM Kitchen Crew def PickleBacks 12-0
Line 1: Voegelin/Davison def McCullough 15-10, 5-15, 15-11 (Crew)
Line 2: L. Peluchette/Lawson def Barton/Ferns 15-1, 15-4 (Crew)
DB: Crew 5-0, 10-8, 15-8, 20-12, 25-12, 30-21
Thursday 11/9 5PM Nathan’s HotDogs def En Fuego 12-0
Line 1: N. Peluchette/T. Abraham def Carson/Thomas 15-11, 15-3 (Dogs)
Line 2: L. Donzella/Coughlan def S. Abraham/B. Sorge 15-7, 15-8 (Dogs)
DB: Dogs 5-2, 10-6, 15-7, 20-11, 25-12, 30-18
Thursday 11/9 7PM Air Jordan def Gootergates 9-3
Line 1: J. Sorge/Belancic def M. Peluchette/Favede 15-5, 15-7 (Air)
Line 2: Law/J. Donzella def Boury/Mey 15-5, 15-6 (Gates)
DB: Air 5-0, 7-10, 15-11, 20-13, 25-13, 30-20