This Week's Featured Matchup? Weeeee.... Have It!!!
Air Jordan vs The
Kitchen Crew
#1 vs #2 in a fight to the death at the top of the standings. The Crew are still reeling from a heartbreaking loss to the Dogs last week but have no time to lick their wounds as Air Jordan is next up on the docket for Captain Willy and Crew.
Air Jordan has deftly navigated the waters that is The OVPC Fall Brawl league knocking off all contenders. But this week we expect a knock down, drag out, slobberknocker!! Look for both squads to be at full tilt for this one! Get there early to secure a seat for what should be a sell-out at TA. Joel will also have livestream for this one.

Let’s Clean it Up!!
(AP Triadelphia, WV) While I know we all love us some Pickleball, the prevalence of colorful, and sometimes, offensive language during competitive play can disrupt the positive atmosphere we are trying to create. It can not only be disruptive to your own partner or opponents, but also those tuning in with more and more frequency to view competitive matches being live streamed on social media and now YouTube. I am sure you are all now well aware that we are trying to grow the club and the sport. One way we can make the club and the sport more attractive to both new and seasoned players is to cut down or even eliminate the language issue.
I love to see passion for the game and players that care when they know they can play better. I also know that in the heat of a hotly contested league match (involving siblings) that emotions will be high. We want passion and determination and would never try to quell that in any way. What we don’t want is to offend partners, opponents or more importantly those considering picking up the sport or joining the club. We have gained a ton of momentum over the past 6 weeks and don’t want all the good we have done to be undone by our lack of self-control. There is no ONE offender. The majority have let one slip from time to time and some with more frequency. Please be aware that we are trying to gain visibility by streaming events and do not want our efforts to be counterproductive.
Please do your part and be aware that these events are being streamed. Help us police others by politely reminding them of this fact. You do not want to find yourself in the Dirty Paws Dawg House! Please direct all complaints to this article to our customer complaints coordinator, Michael J. Caruso at meatballsforeverymeal@ovpickleball.com
League Notes: It is important for all members to get in the habit of using Court Reserve (web browser or app) to reserve court times and register for Club Sessions. Don’t forget to check in upon arrival for your session at our brand-new, user-friendly Kiosk!

OVPC 2023 FallBall Standings |
Team | Points | Record | % Sets Won | % Points Won |
The Kitchen Crew | 40 | 3-1 | 0.77 | 0.58 |
Air Jordan | 38 | 3-1 | 0.67 | 0.54 |
The Picklebacks | 28 | 3-1 | 0.68 | 0.56 |
Big Al's Aces | 25 | 2-2 | 0.48 | 0.46 |
Nathan's Hot Dogs | 20 | 2-2 | 0.43 | 0.48 |
Samurai Slammers | 17 | 2-2 | 0.33 | 0.49 |
En Fuego | 14 | 1-3 | 0.33 | 0.45 |
GooterGates | 10 | 0-4 | 0.29 | 0.45 |
Week 4 Results
Nathan’s HotDogs 8
The Kitchen Crew 4
Samurai Slammers 9
En Fuego 3
GooterGates 3
Big Al’s Aces 9
Air Jordan 5
Picklebacks 7
Club Sessions
Lunch Sweat
Mon-Fri 12-2PM
Hump Day Early Bird
Wednesday 6-8AM
DUPR Sessions
Tuesday 4-7PM
Friday 3-6PM
Monday 12/4 “And down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!” The young bucks in the league will need to Google that. The Crew has not only been scored on, but The HotDogs gave them their first tick in the L column. The Crew were able to secure a hard fought 4 points at Line 1 in a 3-setter, but Line 2 and the DreamBreaker fell to the Dogs who shook off two straight 12-0 drubbings to take down Goliath in our kick-off to week 4 of Fall Brawl.
Wednesday 12/6 – Captain Carson accommodated the Slammers by switching days and then tried to outsmart Doc Z with the ole flip flop maneuver in Line Play. The teams split Lines 1 and 2 in lopsided affairs and it looked like the Mob Boss was about to dubbed the Brain Boss as Fuego stormed out to a 5-0 lead in the Breaker. But the Slammers quickly restored order and cruised to a relatively easy finish in the last 5 legs as Fuego fizzled into ash. The quartet of Slammers were just too much for Fuego in the end.
Thursday 12/7 – Big Al sat this one out but not before a huge pep talk that must have worked. He had his mix of a tennis pro, an immigrant, and two HS hockey players fired up and they performed well enough to pull off the 9-3 victory. After splitting Line play, the two teams battled back and forth in a thrilling DreamBreaker that saw Big Al’s squeak by in the end. The pups did their job playing like veterans and the tennis troupe was steady enough to get out with a solid W.
Saturday 12/9 – The PickleBacks continued their run up the charts with a win over the leagues lone undefeated team, Air Jordan. With Captain Wilson in attendance for support but sitting this one out, the Backs were able to sweep line play with two straight set wins and a 7-0 lead. All dreams of a sweep over #1 were erased when Ragu went down with a lower leg injury midway through the Breaker (Wilson would give no further details stating he hasn’t spoken with the team physician as of yet). Air Jordan was able to salvage 5 points by holding off the Backs by a score of 30-25.
Shop our online store for merchandise and new paddles @ ovpickleball.com/shop/ or Contact Nathan Peluchette to demo a paddle at ovpickleballclub@gmail.com

Weekly Spotlight
Sherri Polen, Wheeling
We sat down and had a chat with Sherri Polen about her experience in the OVPC and Fall Brawl League. You don’t want to miss this!
Good morning, Sherri. Thanks for finding the time to meet with us here in the players’ lounge at TA.
Taking the time? Open your eyes, son…. I am literally here ALL the time! I should be thanking you for “finding the time”.
Tru Dat! What I meant was, Thanks for taking the time away from playing to speak with us for “The Pickle”.
Oh, sure. Let’s keep it brief though. I have another foursome showing up in 10 minutes.
We’ve heard some members referring to you as “The First Lady of OVPC”. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Let’s get one thing straight. I am NOT the “First Lady of OVPC”. Sure, I love the game and have been playing for a while. But the actual “First Lady” in the OVPC was Kayleen from what I understand.
You are correct on that. Would you like to see more women join the club?
I just want to see more “players” join the club. Gender doesn’t matter much to me at all. I am all about quality. The play in the club has not disappointed. I feel like it has prepared me for my rigorous tournament schedule. I prefer to play against tough opponents regardless of gender. The club has done a great job trying to increase the numbers and I embrace any new members. Just be prepared when you step between the lines. I only know one way to play.
Were you surprised when Doctor Zambito selected you so high in the draft?
Chris….. Zambito………. The dentist. The captain of the Samurai Slammers.
Oh, him! Yah, nice fellow, a real hustler. I’m not sure where I went in the draft to be honest, but if it was any later than round 1, it was a steal for sure. That guy knows what he is doing.
Do you have a favorite shot?
Tequila does it for me. Preferably chilled with a lime.
Sorry, I meant Pickleball shot.
In all transparency, I’ve not tried that one, but I’m up for anything.
No, no. Like a special shot on the court that you like to employ strategically.
Of course… I was just teasing you. I like to be a chameleon. I adapt to my environment in a way. I try not to be predictable. You have to dink the bangers and bang the dinkers.
This is a family newsletter, Miss Polen. I see your other foursome coming in. Thanks for the time.
In The Dawg House

J.T. Thomas
How can you literally write the public service announcements about using the KIOSK to sign in for club events and private play sessions and then be the ONLY ONE in your group to NOT SIGN IN??!! Bad boy. No claps for you! Avoid having your picture here by signing in at the KIOSK when you arrive!!
Upcoming Events By:

Got Scores?
Monday 12/4 5:00 PM Nathan’s Hotdogs def Kitchen Crew 8-4
Line 1: Davison/Lawson def N. Peluchette/Coughlan 15-5, 14-15, 15-9 (Crew)
Line 2: L. Donzella/Campbell def M. Peluchette/E. Belancic 15-12, 15-8 (Dogs)
DB: Dogs 5-4, 10-5, 15-6, 18-20, 25-22, 30-24 (Dogs)
Wednesday 12/6 5:00 PM Samurai Slammers def En Fuego 9-3
Line 1: Zambito/Laird def M. Thomas/B. Sorge 15-2, 15-4 (Slammers)
Line 2: Carson/Freeman def Polen/McNeil 15-6, 15-3 (Fuego)
DB: Slammers 0-5, 10-9, 15-12, 20-12, 25-16, 30-18 (Slammers)
Saturday 12/7 6:00 PM Big Al’s Aces def Gootergates 9-3
Line 1: McClelland/Gattesco def Sparachane/J. Donzella 15-7, 15-13 (Aces)
Line 2: Favede/Law def Szazynski/C. Abraham 15-13, 12-15, 15-1 (Gates)
DB: Aces 5-1, 10-3, 15-13, 20-17, 25-24, 30-28 (Aces)
Saturday 12/9 9:00 AM PickleBacks def Air Jordan 7-5
Line 1: Caruso/McCullough de Boury/Hedrick 15-6, 15-4 (Backs)
Line 2: Ferns/Barton def Huffman/Mey 15-8, 15-13 (Backs)
DB: Air 5-0, 10-4, 15-13, 20-18, 25-23, 25-30 (Air)