This Week’s Featured Matchup
In the annals of sporting history, there have been legendary matchups – Ali vs. Frazier, Federer vs. Nadal, and now, brace yourselves for the clash of the Pickleball titans – Air Jordan vs. The Samurai Slammers.
Doc Z will lead his charges into battle against the Jordan Sorge led Air Jodan squad in front of a capacity crowd at the Total Athlete Indoor training facility. Action can also be viewed via live stream on the OV Pickleball Facebook page for those not fortunate enough to garner a ticket to the event. The winner should take over the top spot in the standings.
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(Left) Live action on 3 courts during “Mixed Doubles” night at TA. (Right) Men and Women wait their turn to showcase their skills.
Another Successful Event!
(AP Triadelphia, WV) The Ohio Vally Pickleball Club continues to make noise in the local Pickle community. On Tuesday evening inside the Total Athlete Indoor Training facility ten men and ten women came together for the first “Mixed Doubles” event sponsored by the OVPC. The intent was to enable some local female athletes to see the venue and get to meet some of our current members in an effort to boost our female membership.
Club officers had been approached by several of the female members of the club wondering if there was a way to increase female membership. After some brainstorming, the event was hatched and sent into motion. JT Thomas was on hand to make sure things ran smoothly. “It turned out better than we had originally thought. We had several inquiries about how to join the club and look for this to have the intended impact on the club.”
For two hours mixed pairs competed in games to 7 straight. Winners would stay on the court and split sides while another mixed pair came on to play. The guests were not the only ones impressed with the event. The Ambassador himself, Scott Hedrick was on hand to partake in the festivities. “It was a really nice evening. I was able to play with or against almost everyone in attendance. I would definitely do it again if asked.”
The club continued to increase its visibility and expanded services over Thanksgiving weekend with the first in a series of clinics to introduce new players to the sport. Saturday saw 12 new players take part in the clinic and all will return for the next three Saturdays to complete the series. Two club clinics (2.5 – 3.0 and 3.5+) will be rescheduled for December. Please sign up if you haven’t already and share the “Intro” class with anyone who has expressed interest in the sport!
League Notes: Please remember that season passes are now available to all club members!! Also, it is important for all members to get in the habit of using Court Reserve (web browser or app) to reserve court times and register for Club Sessions.

OVPC 2023 FallBall Standings |
Team | Points | Record | % Sets Won | % Points Won |
The Kitchen Crew | 24 | 2-0 | 0.91 | 0.59 |
Air Jordan | 21 | 2-0 | 0.80 | 0.60 |
The Picklebacks | 12 | 1-1 | 0.64 | 0.56 |
Nathan's Hot Dogs | 12 | 1-1 | 0.50 | 0.50 |
Samurai Slammers | 8 | 1-1 | 0.30 | 0.49 |
En Fuego | 8 | 1-1 | 0.30 | 0.42 |
GooterGates | 7 | 0-2 | 0.40 | 0.48 |
Big Al's Aces | 4 | 0-2 | 0.20 | 0.34 |

Week 2 Results
Nathan’s HotDogs 0
Air Jordan 12
En Fuego 8
GooterGates 4
Big Al’s Aces 0
Picklebacks 12
Samurai Slammers 0
The Kitchen Crew 12
Club Sessions
League Notes
Please remember that season passes are now available to all club members!! Also, it is important for all members to get in the habit of using Court Reserve (web browser or app) to reserve court times and register for Club Sessions.
We hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving holiday. It’s always nice to gather with family and reflect on the things for which we are grateful. We are also grateful for the facilities at Total Athlete and the efforts of the OVPC to bring us scheduled events and sessions to facilitate play. Please pay attention to the events in CourtReserve so you don’t miss out.
Thanksgiving Turkey Dinkfest was very well attended on Thanksgiving morning with about 20 people showing up to make room for turkey dinner and trimmings. Friday morning was busy as well with open play having all three courts filled up for several hours. Please remember to reserve courts as play continues to pick up.
Saturday from 7-10 AM saw a virtual who’s who of local pickle take part in a money-ball session. Sixteen participants signed for the event that saw participants compete for cash prizes for first and second place. Participants were required to play a minimum of four games. Winner was determined by percentage of points won during the event. At the time of publication, it was not known who won the event. We do know for a fact that it WAS NOT Moose Caruso!!
Remember that we have spots available for our intro class. Please share as we have three sessions remaining for the next three Saturdays!
Not sure if you are using the correct paddle for your game but don’t want to spend a bunch of money to find out? Try one of our Demo Paddles to see which one fits. Contact Nathan Peluchette to demo at

Weekly Spotlight
Paul Peluchette, Wheeling
We were fortunate enough to bump into Co-owner of Liberty Distributors and Total Athlete, Paul Peluchette and could not pass up the opportunity to ask him some questions.
Mr. Peluchette, it’s great to finally meet the Legend in person, Sir!
Please call me Pual. Mr. Peluchette makes me feel really old.
Well, Sir, you ARE kinda old! But Paul it is!! That reminds me; I’ve heard some of the guys calling you “Paulie”. Are you “Paulie Pickle”?
I don’t even know who that is. I don’t really watch TV or Movies. I’m more of a “In bed by 8 kinda guy”.
Paulie Pickle is the author of the Newsletter for which I am interviewing you. He/she has caused quite a stir when the e-mails come out each week.
Wait, there’s a Newsletter for this too? These guys have thought of EVERYTHING!! E-mail is not my thing. Technology has passed me by lately.
Sir, sorry, PAUL, E-mail has been around longer than I have. Texts and IM’s have almost made e-mail obsolete.
Well, I rarely text because I have a flip phone and I’m not even sure what an IM even is. I know I’ve heard of sliding into them, but I wouldn’t know how to do that either. I’m not a big fan of InstaChat or SnapFace.
Speaking of phones, it’s been rumored that you may have tried to snatch an iPhone 15 from one of the youngsters after the mixed doubles event last week. Any truth to that?
Not at all! What’s a guy like me going to do with 15 phones? But I’ll say this. If we find the whippersnapper who did, there’s gonna be trouble. We take theft very seriously here at TA.
That brings me to my next question. What a nice facility you have here. Was this always your dream?
I can’t take any of the credit for the whole pickleball thing. That’s on my son’s and their friends. We had the space, and they had the vision. I’m just riding the wave.
I’ll leave that one alone. Who’s your favorite son?
Finally, an easy one!! L double-E B-O-Y. I mean…. I don’t have a favorite; they are all number 1. A four-way tie.
How has your experience been with league play?
I love it. I’ve been taking it easy on the younger guys so far. “The League” is so popular; I don’t want to run any of them off, but I’m about to unleash the Beast on them!! Just waiting on the word from Alex.
Thanks, Paul! And congratulations on the birth of your new Grandson, Collins!
Box Scores
Monday 11/13 5PM Air Jordan def Nathan’s HotDog’s 12-0
Line 1: Sorge/Boury def Coughlan/T. Abraham 15-8, 15-6 (Air)
Line 2: Hedrick/Huffman def L. Donzella/Campbell 15-9, 15-2 (Air)
DB: Air 5-2, 10-2, 15-2, 20-6, 25-7, 30-21 (Air)
Thursday 11/16 7PM En Fuego def Gootergates 8-4
Line 1: Sparachane/M. Peluchette def S. Abraham/B. Sorge (Gates)
Line 2: L. Freeman/Commish def Horan/Favede (Fuego)
DB: Fuego 5-0, 7-10, 15-14, 16-20, 25-21, 30-28 (Fuego) (Thriller)
Saturday 11/18 9AM Picklebacks def Big Al’s Aces 12-0
Line 1: Wilson/McCullough def P. Peluchette/Robinette 15-1, 15-0 (Backs)
Line 2: L. Andrews/Caruso def A. Peluchette/Szazynski 15-5, 15-11 (Backs)
DB: Backs 5-2, 10-3, 15-3, 20-5, 25-7, 30-7 (Backs)
Sunday 11/19 1PM The Kitchen Crew def Samurai Slammers 12-0
Line 1: Voegelin/Lawson def Polen/Laird 15-5, 15-11 (Crew)
Line 2: L. Peluchette/M. Peluchette def Morgan/Zadrozney 15-11, 15-11 (Crew)
DB: Crew 3-5, 10-7, 12-15, 16-20, 21-25, 30-26 (Crew)
Happy Thanksgiving to All
Matches will resume on 11/27